Friday, August 29, 2008

Two videos of Rory Jane's new skill

Here are two cell phone videos of Rory walking. Thanks again to Aunt Kathy, cinematographer and photographer.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family Photo Op

A HUGE Thank you to Aunt Kathy for some awesome family photos!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Walking and Even MORE Talking!

Rory has added several words & signs to her repetoire (including but not limited to):
Signs- fish, zebra, book, nap-time/sleepy, change, more, duck, flower, dog, cat, and bird
Words- "ah-tide" (outside) "ah-duh" (all done), "cat", "bruh" (zebra), hot/cold, "tee"(teeth), "mo" (more), "da-dye" (bye-bye), "Meme", "eee" (eat)

Here she was trying to sign cat:

She loves practicing walking and has taken about 4-5 (stumbling) steps to us; today she was at Nya's house, and Nya's mommy said rory steadily walked from the changing table and out the door to Nya (about 8 steps!)

Here she is learning about how boys bring you flowers:

She is changing so much everyday and we can hardly keep up! We'll get walking pics up soon, maybe even a video, if we can ever catch her in action!