Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Happy Holidays to you all!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More Harmonica

This girl is studying on how to be a Hobo

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry lil Musician

Papa taught Rory to play harmonica!

...And she dances too!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Two videos of Rory Jane's new skill

Here are two cell phone videos of Rory walking. Thanks again to Aunt Kathy, cinematographer and photographer.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family Photo Op

A HUGE Thank you to Aunt Kathy for some awesome family photos!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More Walking and Even MORE Talking!

Rory has added several words & signs to her repetoire (including but not limited to):
Signs- fish, zebra, book, nap-time/sleepy, change, more, duck, flower, dog, cat, and bird
Words- "ah-tide" (outside) "ah-duh" (all done), "cat", "bruh" (zebra), hot/cold, "tee"(teeth), "mo" (more), "da-dye" (bye-bye), "Meme", "eee" (eat)

Here she was trying to sign cat:

She loves practicing walking and has taken about 4-5 (stumbling) steps to us; today she was at Nya's house, and Nya's mommy said rory steadily walked from the changing table and out the door to Nya (about 8 steps!)

Here she is learning about how boys bring you flowers:

She is changing so much everyday and we can hardly keep up! We'll get walking pics up soon, maybe even a video, if we can ever catch her in action!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mondays with Nya

Rory is such a lucky girl! She gets to spend 2 days a week with her bestie, Nya. Mondays Nya comes here and Tuesdays Rory goes with Nya and her mommy, Donylle. Rory really loves her little buddy and here is the photographic evidence:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Belated Birthday Pictures

We had a birthday party in the park with bubbles and cupcakes!

Aunt Jen helping Rory blow out her candle:

Mama keeping the mess under control:
Later, some friends came over to "swim".

Rory and the Geer girls in the pool:

On Rory's birthday, we took her out for Italian food (a favorite). She even got to color the kid's menu for the 1st time!

Rory's birthday dress (one of the many she received):

A little artistic flair: Can't believe it's already been a year:

Thank you for all the toys, clothes, gift cards, and change for the piggy bank! We really enjoyed both the Houston and Austin parties and appreciated you all coming out, and even those who couldn't.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

june super pool fun month

June has been a busy and exciting month.

Rory's been having a lot of fun lately, especially in pools:

Here she's been caught by surprise,

entranced by a bubble,

and exchanges meaningful looks with Bella when Aunt Kathy visited.

After a relaxing soak in the driveway pool, she often likes to scramble around on the concrete and find things to play with, like this yucca flower stalk:

She is also the proud owner of a new kitchen set, an early birthday present from Aunt Kathy. It's kept in her tupperware cabinet and is very useful for us when we'd like to do something in the kitchen and Rory feels a need to participate.

She spends every Monday here with her friend Nya,

and then Tuesdays with Nya and Donylle at their house, or at Deep Eddy pool. Sometimes she has such a grand old time that she won't nap and comes home ready to call it a day, which makes bedtime a little easier:

Thanks, Donylle!

She's getting ready to stand on her own now, and everything in the house is a potential aid- chairs, tables, couches, wagons, papas, dogs, wobbly computer tables, lamps, and even windows.

Of course, today is her first birthday, but we haven't uploaded any pictures yet, so we'll save that post for later. She did get a sweet hand-me-down chair from her uncles Chris and Matthew in Houston, and she enjoys it thoroughly. So here's a sneak preview of those birthday pictures: