Thursday, December 27, 2007

Rory Baby's 1st Christmas!!!

Rory must have been really good this past 6 months because Santa was soooo good to her! We spent lots of time with our family in Houston and got lots of goodies. Now we're getting ready for our upcoming visit to Mom-Mom's in New Jersey!
Here we are at Uncle Mark's house where we had a little early Christmas. She really enjoyed the paper and bows...

And Gummy even hooked her up with a snow suit for the Jersey trip.

Here she is on Christmas morning at Mimi's house. She thoroughly checked out all her loot, read a little Frosty the Snowman, played with her LeapPad, and then passed out like a trooper.

She got more gifts today from Granddad. Then she test drove her new bath tub, with ample splash space...thanks Aunt Kathy!

Hope everybody had a Merry Christmas! See you all in the New Year!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Santa's Little Helper

Rory made a total elf of herself!
She is SO ready for her first Christmas!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Getting Ready for Christmas

Rory is trying to get ready for her appearance on the holiday cards this year. She's really psyched about her first Christmas!

She's still working on her signature pose, but just wanted to show some of the practice shots. Shoot me an email with your mailing address if you want us to send you the Photo Card; I'm ordering them tomorrow!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day

Rory has definately given us a lot to be thankful for in the few months since she arrived. We enjoyed our new family's first Thanksgiving together at home and took a few pictures of our little sweet potato helping us celebrate...she even had special jammies just for the occasion (thanks Mimi!)

We had a few drinks and Rory got a little sloppy. She still has a lot to learn.

Finally she'd had enough and fell asleep while Papa burped her.

We hope everyone else had a very happy Thanksgiving. We missed you all but will see you soon for the Christmas holiday. Let the countdown begin!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mad Skills

Rory has recently become very interested in her toys this week. In addition, she has also begun to really enjoy her tummy time and sitting up like a big girl in her bumbo chair. She's also becoming more and more interested in solid foods...

but we thought some baby rice cereal was more on her level.
The verdict: not so much!
We'll give it another try in a week or 2.

She stayed up late and showed us her party skills on saturday. She danced the night away!

She had a reall busy week!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

not quite in the spooky spirit...

I was going to take some cute pictures of the pumpkin in her halloween outfit, but she barfed all over it. She's not dressing up like Papa until Saturday when we go to the Birthday/Halloween party so you'll just have to settle for pictures from last weekend at the park. Costume pictures will be posted Sunday-ish.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Has Begun

The cool weather has finally set in and Rory loves it! She looks so cute when she gets all bundled up to go out. As you can see, we're getting her ready for Halloween. She shares her Mama's enthusiasm for this most special of holidays and has decided to dress up as her Papa for her costume party! We'll be sure to post those pictures later this week.
In developmental news, Rory is now capable of rolling onto her belly but doesn't quite know what to do from there. She can raise up on her arms pretty well. On Saturday she was pushing her knees up under her but and kicking her feet but she had her face in the blanket so she wasn't going anywhere. We're confident that she will soon realize that she must exercise both skills at once in order to execute the crawl, at which time we will regret teaching her this skill.
Stay tuned for more updates on the most beautimus baby!