Sunday, June 29, 2008

june super pool fun month

June has been a busy and exciting month.

Rory's been having a lot of fun lately, especially in pools:

Here she's been caught by surprise,

entranced by a bubble,

and exchanges meaningful looks with Bella when Aunt Kathy visited.

After a relaxing soak in the driveway pool, she often likes to scramble around on the concrete and find things to play with, like this yucca flower stalk:

She is also the proud owner of a new kitchen set, an early birthday present from Aunt Kathy. It's kept in her tupperware cabinet and is very useful for us when we'd like to do something in the kitchen and Rory feels a need to participate.

She spends every Monday here with her friend Nya,

and then Tuesdays with Nya and Donylle at their house, or at Deep Eddy pool. Sometimes she has such a grand old time that she won't nap and comes home ready to call it a day, which makes bedtime a little easier:

Thanks, Donylle!

She's getting ready to stand on her own now, and everything in the house is a potential aid- chairs, tables, couches, wagons, papas, dogs, wobbly computer tables, lamps, and even windows.

Of course, today is her first birthday, but we haven't uploaded any pictures yet, so we'll save that post for later. She did get a sweet hand-me-down chair from her uncles Chris and Matthew in Houston, and she enjoys it thoroughly. So here's a sneak preview of those birthday pictures:

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

11 months, 2 weeks and counting!

So this baby has almost made it to a year and she is really coming into her own! Usually I make sure that you see all the adorable pictures we take of her, but I wanted to write this blog to tell you about all the things she's been doing:
She's been trying so hard to walk and she pushes her little wagon all over the living room and is branching out into furniture rearrangement. She's even trying to talk a little. She has been very successful with "uh-oh", and is practicing "mik", "ah-dun", and "tank-u"...we believe these are attempts at "milk", "all done" and "thank you". She's also really loving just about any pool. She has a big floatie to sit in for big pools and she also loves her little baby pool on the back porch. We're even trying to teach her to blow out her candles... 2 weeks left to acheive that one!