Wednesday, October 31, 2007

not quite in the spooky spirit...

I was going to take some cute pictures of the pumpkin in her halloween outfit, but she barfed all over it. She's not dressing up like Papa until Saturday when we go to the Birthday/Halloween party so you'll just have to settle for pictures from last weekend at the park. Costume pictures will be posted Sunday-ish.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall Has Begun

The cool weather has finally set in and Rory loves it! She looks so cute when she gets all bundled up to go out. As you can see, we're getting her ready for Halloween. She shares her Mama's enthusiasm for this most special of holidays and has decided to dress up as her Papa for her costume party! We'll be sure to post those pictures later this week.
In developmental news, Rory is now capable of rolling onto her belly but doesn't quite know what to do from there. She can raise up on her arms pretty well. On Saturday she was pushing her knees up under her but and kicking her feet but she had her face in the blanket so she wasn't going anywhere. We're confident that she will soon realize that she must exercise both skills at once in order to execute the crawl, at which time we will regret teaching her this skill.
Stay tuned for more updates on the most beautimus baby!